List of works on ventilation maintenance: regulations, log, licenses

Maintenance of ventilation systems requires special knowledge and skills. Only organizations and persons who have received a special license can engage in this type of activity. Ventilation is serviced on the basis of a signed contract, which lists all work and the timing of their implementation. There is a certain procedure for the maintenance of ventilation systems. The list of performed work on ventilation maintenance is recorded in the log.

Ventilation service license

licensed company provides quality services
licensed company provides quality services

All persons and organizations involved in the maintenance of ventilation systems, in accordance with the federal law "On licensing certain types of activities" must obtain a license.

To obtain a license to maintain ventilation systems, you must submit the following documents:

  1. A copy of the charter, certified by a notary.
  2. A copy of the memorandum of association, certified by a notary.
  3. A copy of the certificate of issuance of the PSRN, certified by a notary.
  4. A copy of the certificate of TIN / KPP issue, certified by a notary.
  5. A copy of the certificate of amendments to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, certified by a notary.
  6. A copy of the certificate of assignment of the OKVED code from the State Statistics Committee, certified by a notary.
  7. Extract from the state register, received no more than 14 days in advance, certified by a notary.
  8. Copies of documents on changes in the statutory documentation, appointment of the general director, creation of an enterprise.
  9. A copy or original of a lease agreement or a document of ownership of the occupied premises.
  10. A copy of the education document of the CEO.
  11. Copies of documents on the education of specialists.
  12. Settlement accounts.
  13. Data of passports of specialists and general director.

The form of a license for the maintenance of indoor ventilation is standard.

Documents for obtaining a license for servicing indoor and other types of ventilation are considered from 30 to 45 days. After obtaining a license, the organization can service ventilation in any subject of the federation.

Maintenance contract for ventilation systems

roof fan service
roof fan service

The contract for the maintenance of ventilation systems is concluded between the customer and the contractor.

A typical ventilation system maintenance contract contains the following clauses:

  1. Subject of the contract.
  2. Duties of the parties.
  3. Cost of work, calculation scheme.
  4. The procedure for acceptance and delivery of the work done.
  5. Responsibility of the parties.
  6. Settlement of disputes.
  7. Final provisions.
  8. Addresses and requisites.
  9. Applications.

The annexes to the contract indicate a list of ventilation maintenance work, the frequency of their implementation, and the validity period.

The agreement is accompanied by a protocol for agreeing prices for work on the maintenance of the supply and exhaust system and the rules for their implementation.

Ventilation maintenance schedule

all work is carried out strictly according to the regulations
all work is carried out strictly according to the regulations

The standard work procedure for the maintenance of ventilation determines the list and frequency of work for each individual module:

  • fans;
  • air heaters;
  • filters;
  • flaps;
  • electrical parts;
  • controllers.

Supply and exhaust ventilation is serviced after signing the contract and approving the regulations.

Schedule of maintenance work on fans in ventilation systems

P / p No.Name of worksPeriodicity
1Visual control of work with fixation of results.Once every 3 months
2Installation of the presence of uncharacteristic sounds, overheating above +70 degrees and vibration with a written record of the results.Once every 3 months
3Visual control of bending elements with fixation of results.Once every 3 months
4Check all moving parts and fastenings with nuts, bolts and others.Once every 3 months
5Checking fasteners and anti-vibration mechanisms.Once every 3 months
5.1Inspection of all mountings.Once every 3 months
5.2Fixing the detected defects in the ventilation maintenance log.Once every 3 months
6Detection of abnormal sounds and bearing overheating.Once every 3 months
7Investigation of the condition of belts, their location, degree of tension. Replacement if necessary.Once every 3 months
8Inspection of engine insulation. The data is recorded in the ventilation maintenance log.Once every 3 months
9Current monitoring with data fixation.Once every 6 months
10Study of electrical wiring, wire connections with the fixation of the results in writing.Once every 3 months
11Investigation of air paths of the fan, cleaning from dust deposits.Once every 3 months
12Cleaning the fan impeller with fixing the identified breakdowns in the ventilation maintenance log.Once every 6 months
13Cleaning the outside of the fan.Once every 12 months
14Drawing up a report on the degree of wear and tear of equipment.Once every 3 months

Regulations for the maintenance of air filters and heaters of the ventilation system


1Inspection and detection of breakdowns, contamination.Once every 3 months
2Control of the uniformity of heating the sides.Once every 3 months
3Search for coolant leaks, repair.Once every 3 months
4Pumping air from the circuit.Once every 3 months
5Removing dirt and dust from the coil.Once every 3 months

Air filters

1Turn off the fans.Once every 3 months
2Inspection of the condition of the filter surfaces.Once every 3 months
3Replacement of filter modules if necessary.Once every 3 months
4Record of all identified defects and malfunctions in the ventilation system maintenance and repair log.Once every 3 months

Regulations for the maintenance of automatic units of supply ventilation systems


1Inspection and troubleshooting.Once every 3 months
2Closing and opening tightness control.Once every 3 months
3Repair and dust removal.Once every 3 months


1Opening and closing control.Once every 3 months
2Investigation of the degree of wear.Once every 3 months
3Checking the condition of the wire connections, strengthening them.Once every 3 months
4Feedback check.Once every 3 months
5Control or change thresholds.Once every 3 months


1Monitoring of power indicators, safety of fuses.Once every 3 months
2Control of initial parameters and settings.Once every 3 months
3Change the initial parameters and settings as needed.Once every 3 months
4Research of controller operation.Once every 3 months
5Checking the wire connections, strengthening them.Once every 3 months
6Testing the interaction of executive units and sensors with the controller.Once every 3 months
7Detection of contamination.Once every 3 months
8Elimination of contamination.Once every 3 months

Hydrostats, thermostats and sensors

1Calculation of characteristics at the output, their compliance with the norm.Once every 3 months
2Checking the fastening of the wires and their reinforcement.Once every 3 months
3Replacement or repair as needed.Once every 3 months
4Search for contamination.Once every 3 months
5Elimination of contamination.Once every 3 months

Ventilation system operation and maintenance log

all faults are recorded in the maintenance log
all faults are recorded in the maintenance log

The maintenance and repair log of the ventilation system is one of the necessary documents along with the Passport of the ventilation unit and the Operation log. All measures for the repair and maintenance of ventilation systems are recorded in the journal. It is he who is the main regulatory document.

The design of the magazine is carried out by specialists who carry out the work. A preliminary contract for the maintenance of the ventilation system is concluded between him and the company. They draw up an Act of technical condition, which indicates the main parameters of the system and its condition at the time of the survey.

Based on the Act, recommendations are drawn up for the maintenance of supply and exhaust ventilation.

Maintenance and repair log of ventilation systems in accordance with form 43-e

No. of ventilation system, type of equipment.Number and type of service (overhaul or maintenance)List of faultsCompleted workSignature

Security measures

  1. compulsory compliance with security measures
    compulsory compliance with security measures

    Maintenance of ventilation is carried out strictly according to the approved schedule, coordinated with the operating mode of the enterprise and the recommendations of the equipment manufacturer.

  2. The equipment is started and stopped in a certain sequence, which ensures the complete removal of harmful substances from the premises and air ducts.
  3. The guide assemblies on the fans are checked once every 4 weeks.
  4. Air heaters are checked for leaks every 10 days.
  5. If, during maintenance of cell oil filters, it is found that their resistance increases by ½ or the dust content in the oil reaches 0.16 kilograms per liter, the oil should be changed, and the filter surfaces should be rinsed with 10% caustic solution.
  6. It is necessary to check the clogging of the ventilation grids and grids at least once every 3 months.
  7. During servicing of the ventilation system sound attenuators, the integrity of all components, the tightness and the tightness of the structure should be checked. If the sound-absorbing material has collapsed, the missing pieces must be restored.

Video about cleaning, disinfection and maintenance of ventilation:
Add a comment

  1. Larisa Panina

    Is it possible to obtain a license for the maintenance of existing ventilation systems by a specialist within the enterprise and under what conditions?

    1. Valery Shumanov author

      If I understand correctly, you do not need a license. It is needed if you will work and maintain a fire (smoke) ventilation system. In this case, it is impractical to do this, it is easier and cheaper to find a contractor.

  2. Andrey Ivanov

    Good day!
    Please tell me if there are any regulatory documents obliging the organization to have a separate contract for ventilation maintenance for reporting to the supervisory authorities (fire supervision, Rospotrebnadzor)?

    1. Valery Shumanov author

      Those. are you required to have a service contract? Of course not.
      When checking, the ventilation system must be in the required technical condition, that's what you need.

  3. Catherine

    Please tell me. Management Company. Two employees have Minarhstroy certificates (a specialist responsible for the safe operation of gas facilities (housing stock) and the second who passed the exam on knowledge of the rules for the production of pipe and furnace work and is admitted to work on the maintenance of chimneys and ventilation ducts). The house is not equipped with gas stoves. Is the ventilation system a fire extinguishing and smoke removal system and is an EMERCOM license needed to check ventilation ducts in this case? If possible with links to articles.Thanks

    1. Valery Shumanov author

      Hello.Unfortunately, your question is highly specialized and we cannot answer it reliably, so as not to expose you and your employees to risks and fines.

  4. Azat

    Yes, a license from the Ministry of Emergencies is needed. It is spelled out in the 410 government decree. If memory serves.

  5. Rinat

    Good day.
    What documentation for the ventilation system should be at the meat processing plant.
    Thank you.



