Features of installation and installation of video surveillance systems

Any user is able to organize monitoring of a dwelling in an apartment building. To do this, you will have to carefully study the composition of the observation complex, as well as the procedure for its installation. In addition, it is useful to familiarize yourself with existing types of monitoring systems using video cameras.

CCTV elements

Elements of a video surveillance system

Before installing video surveillance in an apartment, you will need to familiarize yourself with the completeness of the system:

  • a video camera used to record an image and transmit it to a display and recording device;
  • a video recorder that receives information captured from cameras, displays it on the monitor screen, and then stores it in the archive;
  • a monitor for displaying an image;
  • typical power supply.

The first of these positions has many versions designed for outdoor or indoor installation, as well as equipped with special IR illumination or without it. According to the method of information transmission, cameras are divided into wired, using a cable connection, and wireless (radio channel, WiFi, etc.).

In the simplest case, the recorder is not part of the system (information is recorded on a separate PC, or even without saving it). The monitor is also not an obligatory component of the surveillance complex; instead, it is allowed to use any suitable device: laptop, tablet or mobile phone.

The power supply is a mandatory component used when installing a video surveillance system. He is responsible for the continuity of the DC voltage supplied to the video cameras. In most cases, its value is 12/24 Volts, obtained after converting 220 Volts from the network. Competent specialists will help you to choose the right equipment for the installation and installation of video surveillance. An alternative to this solution is to purchase a ready-made kit with suitable characteristics.

To connect cameras to recorders, cables and special connectors are needed

In addition to the listed components, you will need:

  • a cable connecting the recorder with individual cameras - a regular coaxial cable for a TV will do;
  • BNC connectors to ensure a quality connection;
  • power cable laid to each of the chambers;
  • information storage device (for storing video recordings).

The selected drive is installed in the recorder, which does not have it in the original configuration.

A power cable for video cameras is required if an antenna analog is used as a signal connector. If you intend to purchase a specialized cable product, you do not need a separate power cord.

Design stages

The procedure for designing video surveillance

A well-designed project for the installation of video cameras in the room contains the following points:

  1. Analysis of the features of the rooms and determination of the initial requirements for the system.
  2. Preparation of technical specifications, certified and signed by the relevant services.
  3. Purchase of system components and subsequent installation.
  4. Testing in operating and emergency modes.

When preparing the initial data, taking into account which the installation of video surveillance is carried out, the total number of monitored zones (video cameras) is calculated, sufficient to solve the task. At the same stage, the places of their installation within the protected premises or territory are determined. When working out the first question, the angle of inclination of the cameras is taken into account, which provides the maximum view of the protected area over its entire area. With an increase in this indicator, the number of used survey devices will also increase.

To guard a private house, at least 4 cameras are required, installed at the corners of the building. Mandatory points in which to place them when preparing a project:

  • area at the entrance to the dwelling;
  • the space at the entrance to the garage building;
  • central gate with a wicket;
  • problem areas through which intruders can enter the territory.

For the convenience of choosing points for setting up video surveillance, it is recommended to use the site plan. For effective monitoring of a private economy, they will need from 8 to 16 pieces.

Video surveillance methods

In private practice, two main types of cameras are widely used. On the market they are represented by IP or digital vision devices and analog devices. Each of them has its own characteristics.

Analog camera

This type of viewing device connects to a regular TV that allows you to view an analog image. For its subsequent processing and recording on a compact medium, conversion into a digital code is required. This requires a recorder, without which the installation of such a camera makes no sense.

Modern analog devices provide high-quality resolution up to 2 megapixels, capable of transmitting color images. For its "delivery" to the recorder, a coaxial cable is used, the length of which is limited (no more than 500 meters).

The advantages of such cameras include a relatively low price and ease of setup. Among the disadvantages are limited functionality.

IP camera

Digital IP cameras do not need to convert the transmitted signal and are more versatile devices than analog ones. Their advantages:

  • the ability to scale the image;
  • high resolution (up to 8 megapixels);
  • the admissibility of storing information in cloud services;
  • the ability to turn on wirelessly, allowing you to get an image anywhere in the world.

IP devices are also not without drawbacks, which are manifested in their high cost and incompatibility of cameras and recorders from different manufacturers.

When choosing a type of cameras, proceed from the conditions of their use. With a considerable length of cable routes, preference is given to analog models. If you need to install a limited number of cameras at a short distance from the DVR, it is more convenient to use IP devices.

Sequence of operations for installing the system

After completing the selection of cameras, as well as determining their number and installation locations, proceed directly to the installation. To do this, you will need to familiarize yourself with the main stages of the upcoming work.


The cable for the video surveillance system must be laid at a distance from the power ones at least 40 cm

To combine system components, cable products are used that are laid for analog systems based on coaxial connectors. They do not need additional video adapters, the presence of a reliable screen will protect the system from electromagnetic interference.

In digital or IP systems, a "twisted pair" is chosen for laying, which is a combination of several paired conductors, intertwined in a certain way. Due to this technology, it is possible to reduce the influence of electromagnetic interference on the transmitted signal.

In accordance with safety requirements, the lines of video surveillance systems are laid at a distance of at least 40 cm from power cables. Such a precaution will help protect the transmitted signal from distortion by electromagnetic interference. If the specified distance cannot be maintained during installation, the signal cables are placed in a special braid or in a grounded metal hose.

Installation of cameras

Cameras must be installed taking into account the coverage of all protected areas

Correct installation of video surveillance is impossible without a well-planned distribution of cameras, mounted taking into account the complete capture of the protected area and invisibility for offenders. In addition, observation devices are installed so that, if necessary, access to them is free. To connect analog sample models, you will need a coaxial cable with color-coded cinch connectors.

The red switching contacts are used to connect the power supply, and the white and yellow tulips and wires are used to transmit signals. To connect digital video cameras, you will need a twisted pair, two standard RG-45 connectors and the power cable itself.

For outdoor mounting, it is recommended to use special fasteners purchased separately from the kit to fix the cameras. In addition, for safety reasons, it is not recommended to mount them on high metal supports. During a thunderstorm, they will turn into a kind of lightning rod and may be damaged.

Installation and connection of the recorder as part of the system

The video recorder is one of the most important elements of the surveillance system, during the installation of which the main thing is to correctly connect the existing connectors. It is preferable to use devices with the PoE function, which provides the camcorders with the necessary power. Otherwise, you will need to assemble a separate cable yourself to supply voltage to the external devices.

For correct operation of the recorder, excluding overheating, it is recommended to place it in places with an established ventilation system. If the device has the PoE function, it is not necessary to observe the polarity of the power supply. In models without this option, polarity must be respected. Pluggable connectors and sockets are housed in junction boxes to protect the contacts from oxidation.


The installation of video surveillance systems is completed by setting up the installed and connected equipment. The procedure at this stage is as follows:

  1. The exact time and date are set on each device from the kit, which is important for linking them to recorded events.
  2. Information storage devices are being formatted.
  3. The parameters of the cameras' view are adjusted by setting the desired tilt and rotation angles.
  4. After that, you need to configure the video recording mode. A DVR client application is suitable, allowing you to manage multiple monitoring points from one PC.

At the final stage, the function of remote access to cameras is configured. This is done through cloud services or in the usual way - through the search bar of the browser.

Methods for installing video cameras indoors

Layout of cameras in the office

When choosing a specific location for installing CCTV cameras within an apartment, the following options are possible:

  • on a false ceiling;
  • on the bracket;
  • right on the wall.

In the absence of a false ceiling, CCTV cameras are installed using brackets equipped with a rotation mechanism in two planes. In addition, there are mortise chambers located in specially prepared places.

Special models are represented by samples that allow you to covertly observe the object. When installing video cameras of this type, remember that under Russian law, secret surveillance of people is considered illegal.

Typical errors

Erroneous actions possible when installing a security alarm and video surveillance:

  • inaccuracies in determining the distances from surveillance cameras to recorders, affecting the correct choice of the type and brand of cable;
  • selection of a cable sample longer than it should be according to the passport - it should not exceed the maximum that determines the efficiency of the system;
  • an incorrectly selected power source, the power of which should be sufficient to operate at maximum load with all the system elements turned on;
  • incorrectly selected video storage device.

In the latter case, it is important to correctly calculate the amount of hard disk required for work. Storage media with capacities up to 3000 GB, for example, can store a volume of video footage captured for 10-45 days.

Another typical mistake when arranging the system with your own hands is improper laying of cable connectors. When carrying out these operations, they try to avoid sharp bends of the cable in the sections of the route turn. Failure to comply with this requirement often leads to its damage and system failure. The correct approach to the selection of its components and the absence of other typical errors guarantee the achievement of the required system performance.

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