Characteristics and scope of Termal radiators

Modern radiators Thermal are universal heating devices suitable for apartment buildings, industrial facilities, private buildings. They can be used in centralized and autonomous heating systems. There are several types of devices on sale, when choosing which you should pay attention to their technical characteristics and features.

The device and principle of operation of Termal radiators

Thermal aluminum radiator of domestic manufacturer

Thermal heating radiators are produced at the Russian plant "ZlatMash", which is located in the Chelyabinsk region. This company is widely known as a manufacturer of high-quality heating devices and components. It offers two types of batteries: aluminum, extruded from a high quality alloy, and steel with optimum technical characteristics.

Each device is a single non-separable system, which is already ready for installation. Inside such a radiator there is a heat-capacious core with a built-in heating element with an increased level of thermal power. The principle of operation of Termal batteries is to generate electrical energy, which is converted into heat.


Steel radiators Thermal

Heating batteries of the brand are made of corrosion-resistant aluminum alloy AD 31 using extrusion technology. Separately for them, columns of the vertical type and horizontal collectors are made, special latches are made in the columns, which interlock with the grooves inside the collectors. Due to this production technology, Termal radiators are distinguished by a high level of durability.

For tightness, each battery is supplemented with double rubber sealed rings. Two grooves are formed around all vertical channels, where heat-resistant rubber rings are placed. After assembly, the radiators are formed into one unit, all of them are non-separable and supplied from the factory ready-made. For installation, just hang the battery on special brackets or hooks.

Each radiator is painted using a powder coating technique, which allows the paint to be resistant to various damages. A pigment is added to the base paint to prevent rust formation.

Advantages and disadvantages

Aluminum radiators are susceptible to water hammer

The brand's devices are often installed in Russian heating systems; they are in great demand due to their excellent performance characteristics. The list of their main advantages include:

  • compact size and optimal thickness, the ability to install on open walls and under too narrow window sills;
  • manufacturer's warranty for up to five years;
  • compatibility with elements and communications made of metal or plastic;
  • ease of installation;
  • corrosion resistance;
  • aesthetic appearance;
  • smoothness of channels, optimal level of thermodynamics and good adaptation to Russian communications.

Among the shortcomings, the peculiarities of aluminum batteries are noted - air is formed inside them from time to time, which must be vented. Experts also note the weakness of threaded connections, their tightness can be broken due to water hammer.

Types of Termal radiators

The center distance affects the power of the radiators

The manufacturer produces radiators of two typical sizes, which have a center distance of 300 and 500 mm with a total height of 331 and 531 mm, respectively. Taking into account the distance, the devices are marked as RAP 500 and RAP 300.

With a center distance of 500 mm

The service life of devices of this type reaches twenty years. The power of one section of such a radiator is 0.161 kW, the volume of the section is 0.12 liters, the depth of the device is 52 mm, the length is 80 mm, and the total mass of the section is 0.97 kg. RAP 500 devices are considered the most powerful and meet the highest international standards.

With an axle distance of 300 mm

In RAP 300 batteries, the minimum number of sections is three, the maximum is sixteen. They withstand pressure up to 24 atm and temperature of the heat carrier up to +105 degrees. The length of one section of such a radiator is 80 mm, the power is 0, 114 kW, the capacity of the section is 0.08 liters, the depth is 52 mm, and the weight is 0.7 kg. Due to the optimal characteristics, RAP 300 is installed in the systems of apartment buildings with horizontal and vertical wiring.

Features of production

Thermal radiators are adapted to Russian conditions in terms of water characteristics

When comparing radiators Thermal 500 and 300 with foreign counterparts, experts highlight several main advantages of Russian devices. The shade of the Thermal devices is ideally white and glossy due to the addition of a pigment of increased whiteness to the powder coating, and it is also resistant to mechanical damage. The radiators are distinguished by their increased strength due to a well-thought-out design and the use of the most modern alloys, as well as resistance to water hammer up to 12 MPa.

The instrument sections are made from hardened extruded profiles, manufactured using a press with a pressure of up to 2000 tons. Thanks to them, the outer and inner surfaces of the radiators have a uniform structure. All batteries of the brand have a service life of up to 20 years, confirmed by tests in accordance with ABOK standards. The wall thickness of the device is 52 mm, due to the reduction in the total weight, the radiators do not cause problems during installation. Each battery is tested with a pressure of 36 atmospheres, after which a confirmation stamp is put on it.

Termal devices can operate in an environment with a pH value of up to 10, in centralized systems it varies from 8.3 to 9. Most imported analogs have a threshold value with a mark of no more than 8.

Application area

Manufacturers recommend using plastic pipes when installing radiators

Experts recommend installing brand devices in apartments of multi-storey buildings, since the radiators meet all the necessary requirements for the operation of batteries. They are suitable for houses with horizontal and vertical wiring, as well as for one-pipe and two-pipe systems. Before buying a radiator, you should make sure that all network parameters comply with the specified standards. To do this, you need to contact the employees of DEZ or DEU and clarify the parameters of pH, test and working pressure, as well as the temperature of the coolant for a particular house. Further, these data are compared with the technical characteristics from the instructions for the device. If they match, you can buy it.

In private houses with individual heating systems, there are no pressure restrictions, since in them it usually does not exceed 2-3 bar. Thermal batteries are suitable for any boilers, but if we are talking about a solid fuel device, during its operation it is necessary to monitor the temperature of the coolant, which should not exceed +100 degrees. Also, radiators are not advised to be installed in networks with heat exchangers and copper pipes.

For more convenient operation, it is recommended to use shut-off valves; to regulate heat output, it is worth using automatic or manual thermostats, as well as control valves. An air vent valve must be installed on each radiator.
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