How to make a stove stove from a gas cylinder

Such designs will be very useful for rooms in which we do not have to visit too often. They are perfect for country houses, garages, repair boxes, utility rooms. As a rule, it is impossible to carry out a centralized heating system here, and it is sometimes necessary to warm them up during the cold period. Therefore, we have to look for alternative types of heating for such structures.

Principle of operation

Due to their design features, stoves of such a sample heat up quickly enough. At the same time, it will not take too much time to reach the optimal temperature. True, due to the small thickness of the walls of the cylinder, the structure cools down as quickly as it gets hot. To eliminate this drawback, it is recommended to overlay the stove with a brick, while its heating rate will remain the same, and it will cool down much more slowly.

The main structural element is a steel body with dampers through which fuel is supplied, as well as air circulation necessary for the combustion process. The heating process itself is quite simple - through the upper damper, the required volume of fuel is laid inside the stove, and then ignition occurs. As a result of its combustion, a large amount of heat is released, which heats the walls of the cylinder and warms up the air in the heated room. The smoke remaining after the fuel burns out is removed from the structure by means of a chimney - a pipe installed in the upper part of the structure. It is best to make it in the form of several knees, since the straight form will remove part of the heat along with the smoke. The elbow shape of the chimney will maintain the efficiency of the heater.

Various materials can be used as fuel - coal, wood, old things and even household waste. You can also cook food on the stove, so its presence on the farm will be very useful.

How to make such a structure

After using gas cylinders, they still contain a small concentrate of mixture residues, which is very explosive. Therefore, before proceeding with cutting the container, it is necessary to drain the remaining gas and drain the condensate. To do this, we unscrew the valve and let the contents come out. Then we turn the cylinder upside down and carefully drain the condensate into a plastic container. It is necessary to ensure that it does not fall on the floor surface, since its smell is quite pungent and takes a very long time to disappear. After removing the condensate, we return the container to its previous position, fill it with water and let it stand for several hours. After a while, the water can be drained off. Thus, we remove the last drops of the gas mixture, after which we can proceed to cutting the cylinder.

Varieties of these heating systems

Now we need to decide what type of heater we need. There are two types of these structures - vertical and horizontal. All of them have their own technical features, so it is worthwhile to dwell on their consideration in more detail.

Horizontal system

For the manufacture of such a furnace, the cylinder is placed in a horizontal plane, and then its upper part is cut off. After removing it, we get free access to the inside of the tank, we can install a grate there, which is made of steel reinforcement and is welded to the main structure.

The front part of the heater is made of sheet metal, on which the contours of a circle equal to the diameter of the cylinder will be marked. Then, along the marked edges, cut out the part and mark two rectangles on it - this will be the damper and the blower. They are also cut with a grinder. Hinges are welded to them, and they are installed on the finished structure. To make the finished dampers fit snugly to the stove, their contour can be sealed with an asbestos-cement cord. Then we will use them to supply fuel and adjust the heating temperature.

A round hole must also be made in the back of the structure. It will be designed for chimney installation. The dimensions of the hole must match the diameter of the pipe, which we will subsequently weld to the stove. For the manufacture of a chimney, it is best to choose a thick-walled pipe, since it can also be used as a heater.

Vertical system

In this case, the cylinder is installed in an upright position. True, there are two ways to make a heating system. The first option involves removing the top of the cylinder, while in the second case, this is not required. It is desirable, of course, to get rid of unnecessary details that will interfere with us during work. The rest of the preparatory work process is similar to the previous one:

  • we make and install grate bars;
  • cut out the upper and lower flaps with a grinder or a chisel. Their sizes can be different, the main thing is that the operation of the finished product is convenient and safe;
  • we weld the hinges to them and install them on the front of the stove. Their edges should also be pasted over with an asbestos-cement cord;
  • cut a hole for the chimney. It can be done at the top of the structure from the side or directly on the cylinder lid.

After carrying out all the activities, the structure is ready for use. However, it should be remembered that such heating systems strongly burn oxygen in the room, so it is sometimes necessary to ventilate it. You also need to follow all fire safety rules. And then we won't have any problems with using the stove.
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