What is an individual heating point

A specialized complex of equipment designed to control the heat supply of individual buildings connected to a centralized heating system is called an individual heating point. This can be a residential building, an enterprise or any other building with several independent heat consumers.

An individual heating station solves such problems as:

  • ensuring stable characteristics in the system;
  • use of a separate coolant;
  • heat distribution between consumers;
  • protection of internal systems of the house from abnormal values ​​of temperature, pressure and other characteristics;
  • more accurate metering of heat energy.

The heat carrier is supplied to the individual heating point from the centralized heating system. Usually this is industrial water with a high concentration of salts and other impurities, which is undesirable to supply to the end consumer. Therefore, in the ITP, through special heat exchangers, the internal heat carrier is heated, which can be purified water or special mixtures based on glycol.

Such a division of the circuits allows you to install aluminum radiators and other devices in the house that are demanding on the cleanliness of the coolant. In addition, the internal heating system is reliably protected from pressure surges and water shocks that regularly occur in the district heating system.

ITPs are usually divided into three types in terms of capacity:

  • small (controlled thermal power does not exceed 40 kW);
  • medium (40-50 kW);
  • large (up to 2 MW).

The first two types are usually installed for large private houses or small apartment buildings, and large ones - in houses with a large number of apartments or industrial facilities. When choosing the capacity of the ITP, engineering calculations are carried out to accurately assess the required characteristics.

Advantages of individual heating points

Installation of ITP provides end users with a number of significant advantages. The requirements for the reliability of heating devices are reduced, due to which it is possible to install aluminum and other radiators in apartment buildings, which are allowed to be used only in autonomous heating systems. Reduced accident rate due to excess pressure or temperature.

Thanks to the automation of the distribution of the coolant, it is possible to reduce inappropriate heat consumption by 15%, to reduce electricity consumption by more than 25%. Heat losses are reduced, the accuracy of heat energy calculation is increased. At the same time, comfort is significantly increased directly in the premises. The costs of installing the appropriate communications are significantly reduced, since pipes and devices should not be designed to work with reactive water.

ITP device

An individual substation is usually located in the basement and contains such units as:

  • heating network input;
  • meters for accounting for heat transferred to consumers;
  • pressure matching devices;
  • connection of circuits of heating and hot water systems;
  • connection of ventilation.

The number and characteristics of individual units depend on the specific project. Only nodes for input, metering and pressure matching are mandatory.

The principle of operation of the ITP

An intra-building heating system, when using ITP, is constructively a closed loop in which the purified heat carrier circulates.This is usually water or a specialized glycol-based mixture for use in private heating systems. Naturally, even in a closed circuit, leaks can occur, therefore, a mechanism for compensating the amount of coolant is always provided.

The second key feature of the ITP is that heated water from the cold water supply system is supplied to the hot water supply system. Thus, the consumer receives purified water not only in the cold, but also in the hot tap. In addition, the clean water does not harm the pipes, thereby reducing material requirements.

Installation of an individual heating point

When the project has been drawn up and all the necessary equipment has been selected, they proceed to the assembly. Before proceeding with the installation, you need to make sure that all the necessary equipment is on sale so that you do not have to change the technical characteristics on the go, when some of the elements have already been purchased. Further, the equipment is mounted according to the project, control and measuring devices are connected. When the system is launched and tested, a completely finished, debugged and tested object undergoes a final check and is handed over to the customer.

During the installation process, all input nodes are necessarily equipped with shut-off valves, which allow you to turn off the coolant supply at any time in the event of an accident. When connecting to a centralized heating system, select fittings with a connecting diameter exceeding 32 mm. Strainers (mud collectors) must be installed to protect the system from rust fragments and other contaminants. SNiP standards require that mud collectors be installed in the ITP in front of each shut-off and control device.

The heat metering unit is developed separately, so its installation is carried out according to a separate project. Only heat meters approved by regulatory organizations are used here. When choosing meters, it is necessary to make sure that even at peak moments the consumption of heat or coolant does not exceed the limit values ​​permissible for a particular flow meter model. Possible pressure losses in the meters are also taken into account.

The pressure matching unit protects the internal circuit from hydraulic shocks, boiling of the coolant and other undesirable consequences arising from pressure drops. The same unit limits the flow rate and hydraulically balances the circuits. When using an open system, a direct-acting thermostat is installed. In closed systems, it is recommended to install plate or cylinder heaters. Plate devices are suitable for large ITPs, capacitive ones - for small ones.

Features of ITP operation

An individual heating station must be serviced by qualified personnel, since with a lack of qualifications, the risk of accidents increases. It becomes especially great in the most crucial periods of severe frosts. All employees must be familiar with the safety rules and operating conditions for ITP equipment.

It is forbidden to turn on the pumps with an empty circuit, as well as with closed taps. During any changes in operating modes, it is necessary to check the readings of the pressure gauges on all nodes where they are installed. It is imperative to monitor the temperature indicators of electric drives, to ensure that there are no strange sounds and excessive vibration. It is strictly forbidden to dismantle or partially disassemble any device in the presence of pressure. During any adjustment, it is forbidden to apply excessive force to move the regulators.

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