Sauna infrared batteries

It has been known since time immemorial that the sauna has a number of health benefits. Nowadays, society is paying more and more attention to health, and more and more often uses the services of saunas. As a rule, to build a room and make a sauna cabin, it is necessary to use a massive piece of wood; when heated, it emits special enzymes that kill and suppress the evolution of harmful microorganisms.

Of course, most people in our region will choose the expensive path of building a traditional national bath. However, there are more cost-effective ways to enjoy a hobby in today's innovative world, such as an infrared heater.

Pros and cons of infrared batteries


  • Typically, such equipment has an attractive finish and small dimensions. Assembling and disassembling the equipment will not cause difficulties for anyone. There is no need to harvest wood for future use, throw it into the oven during the entire period of the relaxing procedure.
  • The purchase and installation will have a significantly lower cost than the construction of the usual furnace structure.
  • It will take more than two hours to heat the steam room using the conventional method; the infrared element for the same procedure takes six times less time. In addition to this, the infrared element does not emit heavy odors and does not reduce the specific gravity of oxygen in the room, which sometimes becomes the root cause of ailments associated with a traditional stove heating system.
  • It is possible to use the infrared element in small rooms - miniature steam rooms, adapted in living quarters.
  • When the device is turned on, the distribution unit is almost not subject to overheating. Such its advantage makes it possible to install such heaters in any position and place around the perimeter of the room, on any kind of surfaces.

Cons of infrared batteries

  • If you need to purchase more than one infrared device per room, such purchases will cost a pretty penny.
  • In a traditional national steam room, such heaters will stand out for their atypicality.
  • Due to the lack of vigilance when buying, there is a high probability of purchasing low-quality devices.

Varieties of batteries based on infrared radiation

Short wave batteries... Devices with such options can be visually identified - when they are put into operation, they produce characteristic radiations of warm tones. The size of a wave is proportional to its spacing. The temperature of the heating component can reach very high values. Devices with such incandescent indicators are recommended to be mounted in spacious rooms with high ceilings. Such devices are mainly installed in buildings intended for industrial production. You should not stay in such a room for a long time.

Batteries with medium heating waves... With the help of such heating means, you can warm up a medium-sized room. They are characterized by a high degree of speed, and the thermal effect from them is stronger than that of heaters with a long wave size. The incandescent element of such an apparatus has a heating temperature that is half that of short-wave devices. The operating mode of the device can be achieved in a short time.Mechanisms of this type are usually installed in rooms with medium-sized ceilings. It is not recommended to stay in rooms with installed medium-wave heaters for a long time.

Long wave batteries... Due to the high elongation of the waves, the heat from such devices seeps into a great depth, which allows you to experience its healing effect in full. Of all infrared heaters in these devices, the incandescent element heats up the least. Devices with low heating characteristics can be used in almost all suitable rooms, even with the lowest ceilings.

Batteries based on infrared elements are selected based on indicators such as: the size of the building, its intended purpose, as well as depending on the engineering characteristics:

  • heat regulation by means of a backup stand;
  • for rooms with high ceilings, models with an open heating mechanism are selected, etc.

At the request of the client, now almost any point of sale of batteries based on infrared elements will pick up any additional accessories.
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