How to properly install a gas boiler in a private house

Gas boilers have long been the main heating equipment in multi-storey buildings and small buildings. There are different types of these devices. The installation of a gas boiler is fraught with some difficulties: it is necessary to comply with the requirements for the room, the heating system, and the permission of utilities. If you can connect the device yourself, then it should be commissioned and serviced by specialists.

Varieties of gas boilers

Varieties of gas boilers that can be installed in a private house

Heating devices are classified according to several parameters. At the place of installation, they are:

  • Wall mounted. Most models contain a heat exchanger, a control unit, a burner, a circulation pump, an expansion tank, liquid temperature and pressure meters in the system, and a safety unit. The advantage of the hinged boiler is ease of installation, low weight, no need to equip a separate room or boiler room. You can even hang it in the kitchen. Often this model is installed in an apartment. The power of the devices is limited.
  • Floor standing. They have different dimensions and weights. Such devices are intended for heating large areas, since their power is greater than that of the mounted options. Often, floor models require the arrangement of a separate room or boiler room. The boiler control system is intuitive, although it is equipped with automation. Often, these devices depend on the electrical network.
Parapet gas boiler for a house where there is no chimney

In terms of functionality, the units are single-circuit and double-circuit. The first option performs the only function - heating the room. Double-circuit also provide hot water supply. However, these functions are not performed simultaneously. If you need to turn on the water heating, the heating is turned off for this time.

The functionality of double-circuit boilers can be increased by connecting additional modules. They are often used in apartment buildings. There are also parapet gas boilers. They are designed for heating and water heating. A device of this type is equipped with a closed combustion chamber, so combustion products do not enter the room, oxygen is not burned.

The parapet boiler is equipped with a coaxial chimney, so there is no need to install bulky structures. There are convection holes in the casing of the unit. The device itself heats the room in which it is installed.

Aggregates with a closed and open combustion chamber are distinguished. For the operation of the first type of device, air from the environment is required, therefore, special requirements are imposed on the ventilation of the room. Appliances with a closed combustion chamber are safer, but they require a chimney to operate.

Rules for installing gas boilers in a private house

Before installing a gas boiler, you need to think about its location, the specifics of connecting to the heating system, and also obtain permission from the gas service. Since the specified unit is a source of danger, it must be installed in compliance with the requirements of the state standard.

Boiler location

Floor-standing equipment is usually located in a boiler room with ventilation.

According to the standards, the area of ​​the room in which the device will be installed must be at least 4 sq. M. In this case, the height of the ceilings is 2.5 m or more. The minimum door width in the room is 80 cm.

There must be a window opening in the room. 10 sq.m. area required 0.3 sq.m. window.

Many models of gas heating units must receive a natural flow of oxygen, therefore good ventilation is provided in the room. There must be a distance of at least 10 cm from the boiler to the nearest walls. They must be protected with fireproof material.

Premises in which the installation of gas heating equipment is prohibited:

  • the bases are not protected by refractory materials;
  • corridor, bathroom;
  • rooms without windows and vents;
  • basements of multi-storey buildings.

It is forbidden to install heating equipment on balconies.

Installation diagram

First, a plan is drawn up where the boiler and radiators will be located

For the installation of gas heating, preliminary preparation of the project is required, as well as the choice of the installation scheme and the piping of the boiler. The system contains the following elements: the heating unit itself, pipes and radiators, a circulation pump, filters on the incoming pipes. The safety block is mandatory.

DN15 valves are installed on gas connections. Products with a larger diameter are mounted on pipes with a coolant. Filters at the inlet from the water supply are installed in a horizontal position. The expansion tank, if it is not part of the boiler design, is mounted using additional fittings and attached to the return pipe. The drain connection is located at the lowest point of the heating system.

Installation requirements for gas units

For an atmospheric boiler, it is necessary to equip a full-fledged chimney

The room in which the gas boiler will be installed must have good ventilation. For every 1 kW of device power, 8 sq. Cm is allocated. the width of the air inlet. It should be mounted at the top of the room. In addition, you must comply with the following requirements:

  1. All pipes through which the fuel will pass are made only of metal.
  2. The diameter of the chimney depends on the power of the device. The minimum parameter is 10 cm. The part of the structure, which is located above the roof of the building, rises at least half a meter.
  3. To prevent negative consequences in the event of a gas leak, an analyzer and a valve to cut off the fuel supply are installed in the room. Also, a meter must be installed to control the gas consumption.
  4. If a private house has only 1 floor, it is allowed to install equipment in the basement. In multi-apartment and multi-storey buildings, such installation is strictly prohibited.
  5. The device must be grounded, the boiler power supply system is carefully insulated.

If the device is installed on a wooden base, a refractory plate is placed under it: metal, asbestos or basalt cardboard. The location of the wall-mounted boiler is also strictly determined by sanitary rules and technical standards: the distance to the ceiling is 45 cm, to the floor - 30 cm, to the sides - 20 cm.To the opposite partition, the minimum distance is 1 m.If the device is mounted in a wooden room, between it and the back wall is laid with refractory material, the thickness of which is 3 cm.

The channels for the removal of combustion products can be located inside the main walls. The chimney must be built from non-combustible materials that do not corrode. The design provides for a technical hatch for cleaning the walls from soot, eliminating accumulated condensate. The smoke outlet must not be larger than the chimney itself.

Preparing for installation

Gas equipment is installed only by masters from the gas industry

Before installing a gas boiler in a private house, you need to prepare for work. The procedure consists of the following stages:

  1. Signing a contract with a fuel supplier.
  2. Creation of a project and coordination of technical conditions for installation and operation of the heating system with the gas service. To do this, the body is provided with a technical passport of the equipment, a sanitary and hygienic certificate, instructions for using the device, an expert opinion, which says that the device meets all technical standards.
  3. Preparing the installation site for the device.

It is also necessary to collect all the necessary materials and tools.

DIY installation technology

It is better to entrust the installation to gas service specialists, but if necessary, you can do it yourself. It is important to strictly follow the instructions for installing different types of boilers.

Floor standing boiler

For a floor-standing boiler, a concrete foundation is installed

Before installing floor-standing gas boilers, you need to check their equipment. There should be no dents or chips on the surface of the device. The technical characteristics indicated on the body of the device must match the data specified in the data sheet.

Work order:

  1. Removing plugs from the boiler and cleaning pipes from debris that got there at the production stage.
  2. Installation of the unit on a prepared base or foundation. Its level can be set using adjustable feet or non-combustible elements.
  3. Chimney connection. The holes for the arrangement of the structure must already be prepared. Do not use corrugated materials to connect the boiler to the chimney. The sections of the floor and roof that will be in contact with the structure must be insulated with refractory materials. Clamps are installed at the joints of the pipe and elbows.
  4. Connection to the heating circuit and water supply. First, heating pipes are supplied, on which coarse filters are installed. Cut-off valves are mounted on them. All connections are reliably sealed. The water supply is connected in the same way. If the liquid is very hard, you will have to install equipment to soften it. To seal the joints, you should not use rubber seals, as they quickly crack and begin to let gas through.
  5. Electrical connection. It is better to equip the outlet at a minimum distance from the unit. If the model is unstable to voltage surges, a stabilizer or an uninterruptible power supply must be used in the system.

After installation, the gas service specialists check the system and carry out a test run. The coolant is pumped into the system gradually in order to prevent the formation of air pockets. The procedure is carried out until a suitable pressure is reached - 2 atm. All connections are checked for water or gas leaks.

Wall mounted boiler

Anchor hook for fixing the boiler to the wall

To hang the wall unit correctly, you need to mark the base. The complete set of equipment is also checked. Brackets and mounting accessories must be supplied with the boiler. All pipes and pipes of the heating system are flushed. This procedure is needed to eliminate industrial litter.

The base on which the unit is mounted must be perfectly flat. It must also support the weight of the boiler. The fixing strips are fixed at a distance of 0.8-1.6 m from the floor. Before connecting the product to the heating system, remove the plugs, equip the supply pipes with a filter, on both sides of which ball valves are mounted.

During installation, it is necessary to ensure that the level of the unit is maintained. Even a minimal bias will not allow connecting it to pipes, and will also disrupt the functionality of the system. Gas pipes are connected only with metal elements through a squeegee or "American". The connection must be tight. You should not use any rubber gaskets or seals here - the elements must be paronite.

Parapet boiler

Outdoor part of the parapet boiler

If you have the appropriate inventory and materials, you can install the parapet boiler yourself. However, for commissioning, a gas service officer is needed. Pay particular attention to the connection of the heating system and gas pipes, as well as the outlet of the coaxial flue.

A channel is being prepared for bringing the air duct and chimney out of the room. It must be the same size as the pipe. The diameter of the outer ring is taken as a basis. It is better to place the chimney near the window. Such localization will allow cleaning the device and checking its condition.

The first is the air duct. To prevent the part from moving, it must be fixed in the channel. After that, the water supply is connected to the boiler. Studs are installed with which the device will be held in a given position. Nuts are used for fastening.

A chimney pipe is installed. It connects tightly to the pipe. The part is installed with a slight slope so that condensation can drain off. All clearances must be adjusted so that the flame in the burner is even. Last of all, a heating system with radiators is connected, an expansion tank is installed.

Correct installation of the boiler in the heating system will avoid problems with leakage of connections, gas leakage, excessive fuel consumption. The procedure can be carried out independently if you follow the regulations and installation requirements. However, it is better to invite a specialist who has access to such types of work.
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